چهارشنبه / ۲۵ مهر / ۱۴۰۳ Wednesday / 16 October / 2024

Al-Tabari, the Historian, in His Book “Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk” Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, the historian, in his renowned book “Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk,” recounts a short sermon by Imam Hussain (AS) at the place called Dhi-Husm, where the enemy’s vanguard had arrived, and Imam Hussain (AS) found himself at risk of being surrounded by […]

the sermon of imam Hussain peace be upon him in front of Kufa army
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  • Al-Tabari, the Historian, in His Book “Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk”

    Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, the historian, in his renowned book “Tārīkh al-Umam wa al-Mulūk,” recounts a short sermon by Imam Hussain (AS) at the place called Dhi-Husm, where the enemy’s vanguard had arrived, and Imam Hussain (AS) found himself at risk of being surrounded by the armies of Iraq. At this point, the Imam (AS) delivered a speech and once again clarified the reason for his uprising: “Don’t you see that the truth is not being acted upon, and falsehood is not being refrained from?” The current state of the people is such that whenever the situation of the Islamic Ummah reaches this level, it becomes necessary and obligatory for a person of readiness and worth like Imam Hussain (AS) to rise up. Don’t you see the current situation? Why do you ask me why I don’t surrender, why I don’t pledge allegiance, why I don’t accept this government, and why I don’t recognize the son of Muawiyah ibn Abi Sufyan as the leader and commander of the Islamic Ummah? Indeed, there is no place for such a question; don’t you see the current state of the Islamic Ummah?

    “Don’t you see that the truth is not being acted upon?” The Imam (AS) does not mean merely that people are lying or gossiping excessively; such sins have always existed among people.

    The Imam (AS) says, don’t you see that the lamp of Imamate, the leadership of the Islamic Ummah, has deviated from the path of steadfastly executing justice and truth, and instead, it now revolves around endorsing oppression and advancing the cause of the tyrants? Don’t you see that truth is not being upheld, and that people do not abandon falsehood? “And let the believer yearn to meet Allah,” meaning that a faithful person in such a disastrous situation must rise up with the desire for martyrdom and be in love with martyrdom and sacrifice, truly eager to meet Allah. “For I do not see death except as martyrdom.” This is the same point that has been narrated in Masjid al-Haram by Sayyid ibn Tawus in “Lohoof” and by Ali ibn Isa in “Kashf al-Ghummah”: Even there, the Imam (AS) said: The matter concerns martyrdom, it concerns self-sacrifice and devotion. Here, too, he said: I see death in this path as nothing but martyrdom, “and life with the oppressors as nothing but suffering,” and I see life in this current state as nothing but weariness, fatigue, and soullessness for myself and for the believer.

    Al-Kamil by Ibn al-Athir, the Owner of “Asad al-Ghaba”

    In “Al-Kamil” by Ibn al-Athir, the author of “Asad al-Ghaba,” both of which are truly valuable and beneficial Islamic books, it is mentioned: After Imam Hussain (AS) encountered Hur ibn Yazid al-Riyahi, he delivered two sermons, one before the noon prayer and one after the afternoon prayer. It says that after the afternoon prayer, Imam Hussain (AS) rose and delivered a sermon in which he addressed Hur ibn Yazid al-Riyahi and his companions as follows:

    “Indeed, if you fear Allah and recognize the truth for its people, it will be more pleasing to Allah.”

    The Imam (AS) meant by this truth the fundamental truth upon which all other truths are built, the truth that, if violated, leads to the ruin of all other truths, and if preserved, opens the path for all other rights to be safeguarded; that is, the right of leadership and guidance of the Islamic Ummah.

    “For indeed, if you fear Allah and recognize the truth for its people, it will be more pleasing to Allah.” Then the Imam (AS) clarified further: “And we, the Ahlul Bayt, are more deserving of this matter.” O people, we, the family of the Prophet (PBUH), we, the inheritors of the Seal of the Prophets, are more deserving to govern and to be the leaders of your religion and worldly affairs “than those who claim what is not theirs,” than these people who have forcefully taken what does not rightfully belong to them, usurping a sacred and critical position that they do not deserve, “and who act among you with tyranny and aggression.” These people, who act with injustice and

    oppression among you, cannot be recognized as the successors of the Prophet (PBUH), the leaders of an Islamic nation, or the messengers of the Holy Quran, “and who act among you with tyranny and aggression.”

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