پنجشنبه / ۱۶ اسفند / ۱۴۰۳ Thursday / 6 March / 2025

Birth and brief life In the year 26 AH, on the fourth day of the month of Sha’banHazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) entered the field of Gati. And he was martyred in 61 AH. His blessed age at the time of martyrdom was written as 34 years. 1  His beloved mother, Fatimah, […]

Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas, peace be upon her
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  • Birth and brief life

    In the year 26 AH, on the fourth day of the month of Sha’banHazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas (peace be upon him) entered the field of Gati. And he was martyred in 61 AH. His blessed age at the time of martyrdom was written as 34 years. 1  His beloved mother, Fatimah, was the daughter of Hizam bin Khalid bin Rabi’ah bin Amer Kalbi and his nickname (Umm al-Binin). Hazrat Abbas bin Ali bin Abi Talib, who is known by the very famous nickname Abul Fazl, is the fifth son of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the result of the marriage of Ali bin Abi Talib with Fatima bint Hizam known as Umm al-Banin. He is the first child of Umm al-Bain.

    Hazrat Umm al-Binin (peace be upon him) is from a brave family

    It was a few years after the martyrdom of Hazrat Fatima (peace be upon them), that Amir al-Mu’minin asked his brother Aqeel, who knew the lineage of the tribes, to propose a woman from a brave lineage. Amir al-Mu’minin (peace be upon him) had four sons named Abbas, Uthman, Jafar and Abdullah from this dear lady.2 Abbas (peace be upon him) was older than his other brothers, and all four brothers were loyal to their imam, Husayn bin Ali (peace be upon him), and on the day of Ashura, they sacrificed their lives for that imam.

    The devotion of Umm al-Binin (peace be upon him) to the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him) was so great thatImam Hussein (peace be upon him)loved him more than his children; When this dear lady was informed of the martyrdom of her four children, she said: Inform me about the condition of Husayn (peace be upon him) and when the news of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn (peace be upon him) was given to him, he said, “The veins of my heart are broken, my children and everything.” Under this sky is blue, the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him).

    nicknames and nicknames:

    The most famous nickname of Hazrat Abbas is Abul Fazl, and it is called Abul Qasim in Arbaeen pilgrimage, and Abul Qirba, the word Qirba means water musk.

    The titles of Hazrat Qamar Bani Hashim, Saqqa’, Alamdar, the righteous servant, the patient consolator and the one who is rewarded, have a strong statement.3

    wife and children

    Hazrat Abul Fazl Abbas (peace be upon him) married Lababa, the daughter of Obaidullah bin Abbas (his father’s cousin) between the 40th and 45th lunar years, and from this marriage, two sons, Obaidullah and Fazl, were born. The generation of that noble person extended through Obaidullah. Some have mentioned two other sons for him by the names of Muhammad and Qasim.

    The status of Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him) to the imams (peace be upon them)

    If we want to know the position and dignity of Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him) from the point of view of the infallible imams (peace be upon him), it is enough to pay attention to the words of those nobles about Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him).

    Statement of Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) about Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him).

    Imam Sajjad (peace be upon him) describes his uncle Abbas (peace be upon him) as follows: “May God have mercy on Abbas’s uncle, so he was athar, abli, and redeemed his brother’s soul until it was cut off, so may God bless him.” And they have two wings, and they fly with them with the angels in Paradise, as they did for Ja’far bin Abi Talib (peace be upon him). Hello; Indeed, for Abbas, in the presence of God, the Blessed and Exalted, is an abode that will be envied by all the martyrs on the Day of Resurrection.4

    May God have mercy on my uncle Abbas, who sacrificed himself and threw himself hard and became a soldier in the cause of his brother, until his hands were separated from his body. Then God gave him two wings in place of them so that he could fly in heaven with the angels, just like he gave Jafar a two-winged plane. Abbas has a position with God that all the martyrs will be jealous of on the Day of Judgment.

    The statement of Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) about Hazrat Abbas (peace be upon him).

    Imam Sadeq (PBUH) says in the description of Prophet Abbas (PBUH): »5

    Our uncle Hazrat Abul Fazl (peace be upon him) had a sharp vision and firm faith. He fought Jihad with my father Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) and passed the exam with honor and finally he was martyred.


    There is not much information about the life and circumstances of that noble person during his lifetime except his presence in the battle of Safin. They said that he was present in the battle of Safin, but his father did not allow him to fight, but some others have attributed the killing of Abul Shasha and his seven children to him.6 In another report, Khwarazmi says that in the battle of Safin, when Karib came to fight with Imam Ali (peace be upon him), he put on the clothes of his son Abbas (peace be upon him), who was a perfect man, and went out to fight with him.7

    Martyrdom of Hazrat Abul Fazl al-Abbas, peace be upon him

    The late Majlesi, after quoting the words of Sahib Manaqib, quoting from some sources, the messenger expresses the quality of the Prophet’s martyrdom as follows: When Abbas (peace be upon him) saw the loneliness of his brother, he came to him and asked him for permission to go to the square. Imam said: You are my standard bearer and if you go, my army will be disintegrated. He said: My chest is tight and I am fed up with life and I want to take my revenge on these hypocrites.
    Imam (peace be upon him) said: So prepare some water for these children. Abbas (peace be upon him) came to the enemy and whatever advice he gave them did not help. He returned to his brother and informed him.
    At this time, he heard the children cry out of thirst. He took the musk and rode on a horse and went to the Euphrates. Four thousand people of Euphrates surrounded him and shot him.
    Hazrat Abbas dispersed the enemy and killed eighty of them according to a tradition.

    Drinking water but thirsty lips

    He entered the Euphrates and took a cup of water to drink. But he remembered the thirst of Hussein (peace be upon him) and his family. He poured water on the water and filled the musk with water. He put it on his right shoulder and went to the tents. The enemy blocked his way and surrounded him from all sides.

    Abbas (peace be upon him) fought with them until Nofal Azraqi (curse of God be upon him) struck his right hand. He put the musk on his left shoulder. Nufal (God’s curse be upon him) struck his left hand and severed it from his body. Then Abbas (peace be upon him) took the musk in his teeth, and an arrow came and hit the musk and the musk water poured out. Another arrow hit his blessed chest. Then he fell off his horse and called Imam Hussain (peace be upon him): Brother, find your brother. When the Imam came to him, he saw that he was covered in his own blood. They say that when Abbas was killed, Imam Hussain said: “Now I broke Zahri and lost my ability”; Now my back is broken and I have little choice.8

    Hazrat Abul Fazl is mentioned as follows in the pilgrimage of the district:
    Peace be upon Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas bin Amir al-Mu’minin, the one who comforts his brother with his soul, the one who takes his tomorrow from his yesterday, the one who redeems him, the one who protects him, the one who seeks him with water. Eh, his hands were cut off – May God curse his killers, Yazid ibn al-Raqqad al-Juhani and Hakim ibn al-Tufayl al-Tai.9

    Peace be upon Abul Fazl al-Abbas, the son of Amir al-Mu’minin, peace be upon him, who died in the way of his brother, who he took from yesterday for his tomorrow, he sacrificed himself and put himself as a shield, and he tried very hard to bring water, and his hands were severed. May God curse his killers, Yazid bin Raqqad Jahani and Hakim bin Tufail Ta’i.

    1. Amin, Mohsen, Ayan al-Shia, vol.7, p.429.↩︎
    2. Asqalani, Ibn Hajar, Al-Isaba, vol. 2, pp. 144-145.↩︎
    3.  Abu al-Faraj Esfahani, Ali bin Hossein, Muqatil al-Talbeen, vol. 1, p. 89.↩︎
    4. Sadouq, Muhammad bin Ali, Al-Khasal, Vol. 1, p. 68.↩︎
    5. Hosseini, Seyyed Jamaluddin, Amda Talib, Vol. 1, p. 356.↩︎
    6. Birjandi, Mohammad Baqer, Red Match, vol.1, p.385.↩︎
    7. Khwarazmi, Muwafq bin Ahmad, al-Manaqib, vol. 1, p. 228.↩︎
    8. Majlisi, Mohammad Bagher, Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 45, p. 42.↩︎
    9.  Ibn Tawus, Ali bin Musa, Al-Iqbal through good deeds, vol. 3, p. 74.

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