چهارشنبه / ۲۵ مهر / ۱۴۰۳ Wednesday / 16 October / 2024

After the Imam (peace be upon him) tested his companions and spoke with them, and prepared Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) to endure the hardships and trials, and ensured the defense against the enemy’s attack from all sides by digging trenches and preparing firewood and reeds, he felt at ease and ready for the […]

Ashura night, and Berir’s conversation with Abu Harb Sabiei
  • کد نوشته: 7147
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  • After the Imam (peace be upon him) tested his companions and spoke with them, and prepared Lady Zainab (peace be upon her) to endure the hardships and trials, and ensured the defense against the enemy’s attack from all sides by digging trenches and preparing firewood and reeds, he felt at ease and ready for the battle the next day. He then prepared himself for worshiping God, bidding farewell to prayer, the Quran, supplication, and seeking forgiveness.

    The Imam (peace be upon him) and his loyal companions spent that night in worship until the morning. They experienced an extraordinary state of spiritual joy. They had severed all ties with worldly attachments and were engrossed in communion with God.
    Their tents were filled with the fragrance of Quranic recitation, supplication, and seeking forgiveness. Meanwhile, the horsemen of Ibn Saad were occupied with guarding the besieged. The Imam (peace be upon him) recited this verse:

    “Do not think that those who disbelieve that We grant them respite is good for themselves; We grant them respite only so that they may increase in sin, and they will have a humiliating punishment. Allah will not leave the believers in the condition you are in until He distinguishes the wicked from the good.”
    (Surah Al-Imran, verses 178-179)

    One of Ibn Saad’s horsemen said: “We are the good ones, and we have separated from you.”
    The narrator, Dhuhaak ibn Abdullah, said: “I said to Buraair, did you recognize the speaker?” He said: “No.” I said: “He is Abu Harb Abdullah Al-Sibai.” (Abu Harb was a brave, bloodthirsty, daring, and humorous man.)
    Buraair said: “Abu Harb! You are a wicked man! May God not include you among the righteous!”
    Abu Harb said: “Who are you?”
    Buraair replied: “I am Buraair ibn Khudair.”
    Abu Harb was moved and said: “Indeed, we belong to God, and to Him we shall return. It is hard for me to perish; by God, I am doomed, O Buraair!”
    Buraair said: “O Abu Harb! Can you repent from your great sins? By God, we are the righteous ones, and you are the wicked.”
    Abu Harb said: “I believe.”
    The narrator said: “I asked: Woe to you! If you believe, why don’t you return?”
    He said: “Who then will be the companion of Yazid ibn Azrah Al-Anzi? He is present now.”

    The Personality of Buraair

    Buraair was a man of great stature and dignity in the eyes of the people of Kufa, and everyone looked up to him with respect and called him the master of the reciters.
    Abu Harb, this wicked and humorous man, when he heard the Imam’s (peace be upon him) recitation, said: “We are the good ones and we have separated from you.” But Buraair rebuked him and called him a wicked man, and when Abu Harb recognized Buraair, he acknowledged the truth and admitted that he was wicked, confessing his own doom twice.

    Indeed! The strength of Buraair’s faith is evident when on the morning of Ashura, as he and Abdur Rahman ibn Abd Rabbah Al-Ansari were waiting for the Imam (peace be upon him) to emerge from the tent prepared for illumination, so they could enter and purify themselves, he joked with Abdur Rahman. Abdur Rahman said: “This is not the time for joking and vanity, stop it!” Buraair replied: “By God, my people know that I did not enjoy joking and vanity in my youth, old age, and in my prime, but now I am happy and content with what is about to happen to us. By God, there is nothing between us and the houris of paradise except for this group to attack us and kill us. I wish they would quickly rush with their swords upon us to martyr us.”

    You can observe the depth of this great man’s knowledge! I regard Buraair in the company of the martyred Imam, like Ammar ibn Yasir in the company of the Commander of the Faithful (peace be upon him) at Siffin. Ammar was highly respected by the enemy, and everyone recognized his greatness.

    Buraair was similar; the enemies of the Imam (peace be upon him) from the people of Kufa had faith in him and held him in high regard. When Ka’b ibn Jabir killed Buraair, his sister or wife said to him: “You helped the enemies of the son of Fatimah (peace be upon her) and killed the master of the reciters, Buraair. You have committed a grave crime! By God, I will not speak to you as long as I live.”

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